About Blog


This blog is (very) personal. This is where I evaluate my thoughts and opinions. It can also be fictional, especially with my short stories. But of course, I cannot help but give them a little sprinkle of my realities. I will sometimes pinch in some playlists for different moods. Book reviews are present, too.

Creating this blog is also brought by my frustration of not being able to explain anything, everything to full extent and satisfaction during conversations. Honestly, I am bad at conversations, I can’t seem to use my words right, and my mind is always jumbled. The clarity it brings is one of the reasons why I find writing convenient. Your thinking becomes clearer when you put it into paper. You can analyze, arrange and rearrange your words, organize your thoughts, narrow down and expand your ideas.. You can formulate your own logic. Convey clearer message.

Writing has its own way to decipher one’s mind, don’t you agree?

24 thoughts on “About Blog

  1. Hi, thanks for visiting my blog and for the follow. It’s nice to connect with you. As a mental health advocate, I’m so glad to hear you’re talking about mental illness, and you will empower others by doing so. I look forward to your posts! Take care, Jenny

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    1. That’s right, Aj! And no, it’s my pleasure. You’re one of the first blogs I followed, during my first week. I’ll be visiting your blog every now and then. You raise interesting topics (I liked your Chaos Theory).

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  2. If there’s an intentional urge to be a great multitasker perhaps it could affect clarity of the mind.. Maybe the mind needs some slow seasoning before being one great multitasker?! #JustSaying πŸ™‚ Nice blogs out there..

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Hi Von! I’ve been checking out more of your blog, and I’ve been enjoying it greatly. I will return to it soon to read at length some of your short stories and poetry.

    But right now I wanted to say how sad it makes me that you were raised in a country where mental illness is a taboo subject. 😦 Although in my experience of several countries, especially the U.S., Turkey and Mexico, mental illness is not very well received anywhere. Maybe Scandinavia is different? I’m not sure.

    I have a serious mental illness, Bipolar Disorder Type I, for which I’ve been hospitalized numerous times and which finally ended my career as a lawyer (I also lost all those lawyer friends: fair-weather friends, indeed!). Still, in the past several decades we people with mental illness in this country did get some limited kinds of protection under the laws, which is much more than can be said for many other places.

    The stigma still exists, though. I am very open about my illness: as open as I would be if I had diabetes or Parkinson’s disease. I think it is important for people to experience me and know that I, and others like me, am capable of much and deserving of respect and love. One of my favorite T-shirts reads “Team Bipolar,” with the letters spelled out in the pills that are often taken by those of us on the team. πŸ™‚

    I’ll be doing a post sometime soon on my experience with Bipolar Disorder I and how it has shaped my life. I hope that you will see it! Meanwhile please take care of yourself, love yourself, and keep up the good work in spreading knowledge about mental health issues! πŸ™‚

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  4. Thank you for sharing this, Timi. Yes, I believe mental illness is taboo in any culture. I don’t have enough knowledge about mental health but I am eager to learn from people like you. Our country lacks mental health support and awareness. Did you know that there are only 400 licensed psychiatrists here in the Philippines? We also don’t have any laws yet regarding mental health, there are attempts but they failed to pass the congress. There is another bill that has been filed but it is still under online petition. It’s hard to have a diagnosis here. Psychiatrists are rare and very expensive. Thank you for your kind words. I hope you are doing well. Above all, I am coping here πŸ™‚

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    1. Only 400 licensed psychiatrists in the Philippines? That is outrageous! I wonder if psychiatric medications are available… and who prescribes them? It does seem like a sad state of affairs. I’m very glad to know that you are coping! πŸ™‚


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